Values – 96FM Interview
This week I am starting a new chapter in my business with a new social media project – my aim is to show people how wonderfully valuable coaching can be.
The coaching process centres around values so a large part of this project will be supporting people in supporting their values. I was delighted to be invited to chat with PJ on the opinion line last week to chat about values.
And below you will find a summary of what we discussed.
Values are the cornerstones of our lives, they play a very strong role in shaping our life experience and who we are. The pandemic has had a huge impact on our lives and initially, all we were hearing about was the negative impact it has had. In recent months though, I have been delighted to hear more and more people reflect on the positive impact it has had on their lives, in particular, it has given people the chance to slow down, spend time with themselves and reassess their lives as a whole. The pandemic has given people the opportunity to look more in-depth into what they value and to identify what values are serving them or how much they are honouring their life values.
We have core values (non-negotiable) and lesser values. It would be of great benefit to any person to be aware of, at the very least, what their core values are. When you are dissatisfied in some area of your life, you can be sure there is a core value not being honoured.
Values won’t always be the same throughout your lifetime – values are constantly changing and evolving as you grow
The biggest benefits of knowing and honouring your values are – easier and less challenging life experience, more self-awareness which leads to better mental and emotional health, relationships improve, gain more confidence, purpose and fulfilment which leads to an increase in life quality and success.
Ways you can investigate your values – coaching, workshops, self-reflection – look at a list of values and see which resonate, then explore what you could do to honour them more
Freedom is – is probably one of the most important value we hold collectively as human beings (and the biggest impacted value of the pandemic)- freedom to be who we are, freedom to do what we want to do, freedom to have the things we want to have. Financial freedom, identity freedom, freedom from limitations of any kind, are on the top of most peoples wish-list.
I would love for you to join me on this journey, head over to @sarahfilancoach to follow “Valuing my Values” my new weekly feature on instagram and for anybody looking to deep dive further into their values I am so excited to be presenting a new workshop centred around this topic on the 23rd of June . Find out more here.